This is a User Defined Function that will capitalize the first letter of a character after a space. Also lowercase all capitalized words. 'MY NAME IS ROSHAN' --> 'My Name Is Roshan'. Usage Select Capitalise('MY NAME IS ROSHAN') ------------------------------------------------------- CREATE FUNCTION Capitalise (@String VARCHAR (255)) RETURNS VARCHAR (255) AS BEGIN DECLARE @StringCount int SET @string = LOWER (@string) SET @string = STUFF (@string,1,1, LEFT ( UPPER (@string),1)) --Capitalize the first letter SET @StringCount = 0 WHILE @StringCount < LEN (@string) BEGIN IF SUBSTRING (@string, CHARINDEX ( SPACE (1),@string,@StringCount),1) = SPACE (1) BEGIN SET @string = STUFF (@string, CHARINDEX ( SPACE (1),@string,@StringCount)+1,1, SUBSTRING ( UPPER (@string), CHARINDEX (' ',@string,@StringCount)+1,1)) END SET @StringCount = @StringCount + 1 END RETURN @string END